Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Manusia dan kelemahannya

Quote from the Holy Quran, Al-Baqara (2:37)

فَتَلَقَّىٰ آدَمُ مِنْ رَبِّهِ كَلِمَاتٍ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ

Fatalaqqa adamu min rabbihi kalimatin fataba AAalayhi innahu huwa alttawwabu alrraheemu

Then Adam received from his Lord Words. And his Lord pardoned him (accepted his repentance). Verily, He is the One Who forgives (accepts repentance), the Most Merciful.

Beribu kesalahan

But He is the One Who forgives
La ila ha illa huwa

Tiada guna
Hidup ini tuhan dah tentukan
Tapi kita ada pilihan
We know whats good and whats wrong
Its our choice

It was us
Mistake By mistake
Sin by sin

Lupakan yang lalu
guna saat kini
Ia nikmat
Untuk jadi lebih baik

Ya Rabb
Kuatkan hati 
Untuk teruskan perjalanan
Melawan diri sendiri 
Kerana kelemahan itu datang dari diri ini

Dan beringatlah pintu itu sentiasa terbuka.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Kadang kita rasa hinanya kita
Buat kesilapan di mana mana
Tapi Allah s.w.t sentiasa ada dengan kita
Tidak memandang hina pada kita
Malah memberi kita nikmat dan masa
Untuk kita


Ya Allah
Ampunilah dosa hamba-Mu ini

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

iam ENFP . iamtotallyagree

ENFP personality

Forming around 7% of the population, people with the ENFP personality type tend to be curious, idealistic, and often mystical. They seek meaning and are very interested in other people’s motives, seeing life as a big, complex puzzle where everything is connected. Not surprisingly, ENFPs tend to be very insightful and empathic individuals. This, plus their charm and social skills, often makes them very popular and influential.
ENFP_1On the other hand, this can also be a disadvantage as the ENFP is likely to worry about not being sufficiently original or spontaneous. If they are not careful, this personality trait can lower their self-esteem.
ENFP personalities are usually characterized by high levels of enthusiasm, especially when it comes to things that spark their imagination. In such cases, ENFPs can be very energetic and convincing; they are able to easily persuade other people to join their cause. Ironically, this trait can also turn against the ENFP, when they suddenly find themselves center stage, being seen as leaders and inspiring gurus by other people. ENFPs strive to be independent, so they do not always welcome such attention.
ENFP personalities are very emotional and sensitive, believing feelings are something everyone should take time to understand and express. However, this trait can also cause a lot of stress for them as ENFPs may often focus too much on other people’s motives and the possible meanings behind their actions. People with this personality type are sharp-eyed and intuitive, but they can make serious mistakes when they try to use their interpretation of other people’s emotions as a basis for their decisions.
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
ENFPs are also likely to have difficulties dealing with routine, administrative matters. They are more interested in freedom and inspiration than security and stability, and this attitude is usually clearly visible: an ENFP would rather try to come up with an interesting solution or an idea, no matter how difficult that is, than deal with simple yet boring tasks.
People with the ENFP personality type know how to relax, drawing on their imagination, enthusiasm, and people skills. For instance, they can be very serious and passionate about work during the day and then later let off steam at a wild party in a nightclub. This switch between the two modes can often be instantaneous, surprising even their closest friends.
Finally, ENFPs are non-conformists, following their own path and trusting their intuition. Their talents are numerous, but they all depend on the ENFP being given enough freedom. People with this personality type can quickly become impatient and dejected if they get stuck in a boring role where they are unable to freely express themselves. But when the ENFP finally finds their place in the world, their imagination, empathy, and courage are likely to produce incredible results

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Secretly i am attached to my hafiq.

Oh God help me. I hope i will not turn it into false attachment. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Kesian aku tengok pegawai2 MAS dan menteri2 berkaitan

Sama macam aku kesian tengok family Anwar. 

Ya Allah Lindungilah Malaysia. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang terbaik untuk mengekalkan keamanan sejagat. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

50 things i wanna achieve

ni list dahulu. pastu edit2.
ni datang dari hati.
bercampur baur macam budak2
try la buat 50 then u know why I am like this. hihi. tapi kalau org yang berjaya buat in order dan synchronize. bravo bravo. ;)

so many things to avhieve so many dreammms yet i just wanna have a moderate life. some of my dreams require quite a lot of money. wanna let u know, so far i've chosen a teacher as a career. as u know it is not a high-income job and im not dreaming to be super rich. i just want to have 'just-enough' life. as long as i can have what i need ,try to achieve my dreams and as long as i can see people surrounding me happy dunia akhirat. and ect, i am okay like this. yes what a teacher can do while everything needs money.  i believe if we have faith in Allah s.w.t, He can give rezeki to whoever He wants. i'll Keep praying, keep my faith and insyaAllah i can see all these dreams come true.  insyaAllah
  1. graduate with honours first class degree (x tercapai)
  2. learn quran
  3. kahwin 
  4. helps family and make them happy
  5. hantar parents pg haji
  6. have sons and daughters insyaAllah
  7. try to be ibu yang a good good one.
  8. mendidik anak-anak sendiri dan pelajar2
  9. own a 'lively' beautiful house (lively tu paling penting, xnak besar sgt klu macm rumah hantu no use)
  10. be a very good physics teacher
  11. jadi guru cemerlang 
  12. physicist?
  13. nk pg masjid slalu bersama suami (cheesy. sori)
  14. infak ke jalan yang baik
  15. buat buku teks (ngiahaha)
  16. learn economics
  17. learn business skill
  18. ade bisnes kecil kecilan. 
  19. learn management
  20. ade resort or any accommodation (homestay yg lovely)
  21. menjadi org superb memasak
  22. berkebun n own a very beautiful garden
  23. keluarga yang diberkati diredhai
  24. nk ade silver accessories (satu je pon ok)
  25. honeymoon selalu? hahah
  26. keep my own wedding dress
  27. hias rumah sendiri cun-cun
  28. save money (just enough for emergency, sedikit kehendak yg laen dan etc)
  29. be knowledgeable
  30. have a very own closet (walk-in closet)
  31. collection of shoes, bags and accessories. haaa amek. 
  32. travel to every country in the world
  33. sihat tubuh badan
  34. give a free tuition to the poor child
  35. hias rumah setapak
  36. pandai meng-invest
  37. bersedekah selalu
  38. pergi haji
  39. organize an orphan/shelter (or create one)
  40. aktiviti2 ekstreme (rafting, skydive)
  41. naek hot air baloonnn
  42. live by the sea side (at least three weeks)
  43. melihat Malaysia tanpa poverty
  44. melihat masyrakat hidup harmoni dan lebih berfikiran sihat
  45. learn along the way of my life
  46. always get back to the main purpose
  47. give some benefit to the society
  48. pegi buat volunteering work yang macam lebih hebat
  49. pandai menjahit
  50. mati dalam iman

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Here's to Never Growing Up

i always like avril
23 and still 
avril still sound okay
dah fun kan

but the reality is 
we need to grow up :)

u can still have ur immaturity
but u have to have all the mature value as much as u can keep in ur soul
it will make the world peaceful

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


...jika Allah hendak mendatangkan bencana kepadaku, apakah mereka mampu menghilangkan bencana itu, atau jika Allah hendak memberi rahmat kepadaku, apakah mereka dapat mencegah rahmat-Nya?' Katakanlah, 'Cukuplah Allah bagiku. Kepada-Nyalah orang-orang yang bertawakal berserah diri'

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Story line

Story line orang laen laen
Siapa kita nak tentukan story line kita

Terima seadanya
Apa tuhan beri

pengarah yang terbaik terhebat mahu lagi terulung

tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita

Mahu jadi manusia yang diberkati-Nya

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014


'Ma, adek rasa adek lawa la semalam'

'Adek rasa adek lawa?? Mama rasa adek sentiasa lawa' dgn suara yang bernada tinggi sedikit

Mama u so funny. 

Vain post. Hekhek

Sape nak cakap kita lawa kalau bukan diri sendiri. Kalau tak lawa pon utk org laen well kite kena ade rasa confident sikeett. Dan bersyukurlah ape tuhan bagi. Biaq pi orang kata kita tak lawa. Taw je tak lawa mana. Hahahaha



Berjalan lancar
Terasa perasan cantik hari ni
Ya Allah


Thank u. U made my night. :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sekali lagi

Kadang2 tuhan tunjukkan semua ni untuk kita teruskan hidup #npsekalilagi

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


While doing housework
I asked

'Ma, ma xnak bagi adek allowance ke?'
'Bolehhhh. Nak brape ringgit sehari? Seringgit baru 300.'


'Camtu dua ringgit la sehari'

Full-time daughter. I rather do not have allowance if i am able to find my own money. Hmm. Cuma besla kalau ade duit sikiy. InsyaAllah i will find my own money and will not ever need the allowance except for little things etc. food. 

N i would like to be full-time daughter as far as i can. Because we dont know the future. We dont know when dead meet us. 

Mahu jadi orang berguna


After 3 weeks baru masuk pasar. 
Tu pon pasar moden

Rupanya knowledge pasal ikan ikan basic msia masih ada. Hihu

Buat muka tak malu tanya abang timbang utk pastikan tenggiri yang dipilih. 

Mahu jadi orang berguna

Friday, February 14, 2014


Satu sekolah
Sekolah yang paling besar setakat ni

Kali ni bukan sahaja akademik
Lebih dari itu 

Belajar cara jaga diri
Belajar bersabar
Belajar tabah
Belajar peraturan2 sosial
Belajar urus kewangan
Belajar menyesuaikan diri
Belajar erti susah cari rezeki
Belajar budaya

Senang kata
Belajar menjadi orang yang lebih menghargai kehidupan dan proses mengenal erti hidup